Monday, August 10, 2009

Jill and Palmina at FO.

Sorry guys, I didn't have a picture of the bottle, so this is the best I could do!

In the background is my good friend Jill Bernheimer, of none other than our fav online retailer, Domaine 547 (soon to be known as Domaine LA, the bricks and mortar version on Melrose just west of Highland.) Last Friday we had an impromptu date at Father's Office in Culver City, where we enjoyed a spectacular glass of Palmina, Dolcetto, SB County, 2008 - IN KEG!

That's right at FO, they love the low carbon footprint and for $9.50 a glass this wine was a knockout. I also just had the Arneis at aoc last night - high acid but totally creamy - a strange and wonderful sensation... Me likey Palmina


Jill said...

Are you kidding me? You really posted THAT photo? Really flattering angle. At least the wine looks good :(

Amy said...

You look great! Engaged in conversation and lively... just like in real life!