Thursday, December 4, 2008

Tamales and Rioja.

Allende, Rioja, 2004. 

We drank this with the Turkey on T-Day and it was pretty good for $21.99 (Wine House) Despite the picture - it was COLD in Palm Springs and the dog escaped twice, which was really annoying! 

The wine was stewy and dark, almost like 2003, and paired well with cranberries and Durkee Green Bean Casserole, made from Campbell''s Cream of Mushroom in a can. How's that for a recommendation? How's that for American????!!

In other news, I'm really bored with blogging about what I'm drinking. I mean, does anyone really care? Why blog? I love reading blogs because they provide me with news and view points on current events. 

What's the purpose of this blog? I show you the bottles that I consume as I stumble my way through life. How depressing. Thanks for joining me though. Misery loves company. 

Also, as an aside, for those of you who go to the Hollywood Farmer's Market, you must try Vera's Tamales - its on the street closest to Selma. I bought 6 of them frozen - queso and jalapeno - ($13) and have eaten one a day, every day this week. You just steam for 25 minutes and eat. (Peter was gone, so cut me some slack.)


Anonymous said...

Oooh, I have the 2003 in stock and I can give you a REALLY good deal if you want to compare! (can you tell how anxious I am to move bottles?)

Anonymous said...

"Stewy" is a quality or condition I've been happening upon a lot recently. At what point does good stewy become bad stewy? A bottle of 2005 St. Cosme Chateauneuf was stewy, but apparently not heat-damaged in any way. If the wine ain't cooked, what aspect of viti- or viniculture is responsible for this characteristic? Over-ripe fruit? Monstrously long macerations?

Amy said...

Sometimes I like stewy and sometimes I hate stewy. I hate stewy when it seems rotten or totally overripe. I think stewy is definitely related to overripe fruit and to extra long maceration.

Hmmm... now I wondering if I really did like this wine...