A friend of wine, who (whom?) wishes to remain anonymous or actually wishes to use the pseudonym Cocos Minx, sent this to me. And I can't agree more. I've stopped shopping at Trader Joe's because the food is just downright sub-par. And the wine is for people who don't care what they are drinking. There's a good market for that kind of wine I guess.
"I shopped there today for the first time in a long time. I needed unbleached coffee filters. I defy any wine-knowledgeable individual to find anything worth drinking on those shelves. The same old product mix of Ancient & Justifieds (Estola Cencibel, La Mancha), Own-Label Swill (Flying Saucer this, that, & the other), & Southern Wine & Dispirited Standard Brands (BR Cohn Silver Label Cab - still only $14.99? Coleridge should write a bleedin' poem about it). You know "Inventory, we have a problem," when you're actually considering buying Stonehedge Reserve Petite Syrah (sic), California, rather than inserting it into the nearest body-modified trisexual cashier."
Cocos Minx...is that a slightly misspelled anagram?
Oh, ouch, did I misspell??!
It helps to spell correctly the name you're running thru the engine.
I do like the "Liberty School: Cabernet Sauvignon". Trader Joe's has the best price ($11.99) on it in the LA area. Other shops sell it for $15.
"body-modified trisexual cashier"
That’s Too nice, when it comes in india hope it can make a Rocking place for youngster.. hope that come true.
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