Sunday, July 6, 2008

Go green.

A great Sunday wine: Broadbent, Vinho Verde, Portugal, Non-vintage

I've seen this bottle around everywhere and was intrigued by the back label, which strikes me as I don't know... funny? You heard it here first, Vinho Verde is perhaps the world's best pairing with a caesar salad...

Lightly spritzy, very linear and clean, at only 9% alcohol this wine is just plain simple and refreshing. A little green, yes, as seems obvious from the name, but not off putting. It's like a Sprite without the sugar and all that carbonation. 

Actually it's nothing like a Sprite which is a disgusting beverage. Drink wine not soda! 

I got this bottle at the Wine House for $8.99 but you can also get it at Cheese Store of Silverlake.

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